.. _usage: Usage ##### APIs **** The ``pinnwand`` project has several 'APIs' and I use the word loosely here as some of these were never meant to be used as an API but they are being used as such. Currently the only officially supported APIs are the ``v1`` and ``curl``, the others are deprecated. That doesn't mean they'll disappear anytime soon but is an indication to users that their tooling is using endpoints that could be using the newer API which has more features such as multiple files. Each API has several endpoints and you can find their usecases here. v1 == The ``v1`` API supports all current features of ``pinnwand`` including multi file pastes. It currently has three endpoints. All of which take JSON bodies as their inputs. Examples are provided with the requests library. /api/v1/paste ------------- This is the main endpoint for creating new pastes. It takes a JSON body as its input for a ``POST`` request, the JSON body must contain the following fields: expiry The expiry for this paste, you can list the expiries that are valid on the ``/api/v1/expiry`` endpoint. files A list of file objects. A file object needs the following fields: lexer The lexer to use for this file, you can retrieve a list of valid lexers from the ``/api/v1/lexer`` endpoint. content Content of the file, the max filesize depends on the configuration of the ``pinnwand`` instance you are talking to. name (optional) If applicable add a ``name`` field to set the filename of the file. Here's an example with the ``requests`` library that ticks all the above boxes:: >>> requests.post( ... "http://localhost:8000/api/v1/paste", ... json={ ... "expiry": "1day", ... "files": [ ... {"name": "spam", "lexer": "python", "content": "eggs"}, ... ], ... } ... ).json() {'link': 'http://localhost:8000/74', 'removal': 'http://localhost:8000/remove/KYXQLPZQEWV2L4YZM7NYGTR7TY'} To remove a paste a ``GET`` request to the ``removal`` URL returned is sufficient. /api/v1/paste/([A-Z2-7]+)(?:#.+)? --------------------------------- Used to retrieve the paste with the given ID. >>> requests.get("http://localhost:8000/api/v1/paste/74").json() {"files": [{"name": "spam", "lexer": "python", "content": "eggs"}]} /api/v1/lexer ------------- An endpoint to list all lexers available in the ``pinnwand`` instance whose API you're using. The keys returned are valid for the ``lexer`` field:: >>> requests.get("http://localhost:8000/api/v1/lexer") {'abap': 'ABAP', 'apl': 'APL', 'abnf': 'ABNF', ...} /api/v1/expiry -------------- Used to list all valid expiries to be used in the ``expiry`` field. These expiries are dependent on the configuration of the ``pinnwand`` instance that you're talking to:: >>> requests.get("http://localhost:8000/api/v1/expiry") {'1day': '1 day, 0:00:00', '1week': '7 days, 0:00:00'} curl ==== The ``curl`` API provides a handy one-stop for using ``curl`` to submit a file to ``pinnwand`` quickly. It doesn't support multi file but it does give you a quick way to create a shell alias for pasting to a ``pinnwand`` instance. See :ref:`tricks` for such a shell alias. /curl ----- This is an endpoint that only takes ``POST`` requests, the body should be formencoded, ``curl`` will handle this for you. The following other parameters are available: expiry The expiry for this paste, if not supplied ``1day`` is selected. Valid expiries depend on the configuration of the ``pinnwand`` instance. lexer The lexer to use for this paste. If not supplied ``text`` is selected. Valid lexers depend on the configuration of the ``pinnwand`` instance but are generally those provided by ``pygments``. An example of where the ``/curl`` endpoint comes in handy:: € echo "foo" | curl -X POST http://localhost:8000/curl -F 'raw=<-' Paste URL: http://localhost:8000/OE Raw URL: http://localhost:8000/raw/GU Removal URL: http://localhost:8000/remove/GQBHGJYKRWIS34D6FNU6CJ3B5M € curl http://localhost:8000/raw/GU foo% deprecated-web ============== In the beginning there was only the ``/`` endpoint so people started posting to it directly. This endpoint is really the worst one to use as it doesn't give you any useful information back in an easily readable format. You'll have to parse the data out of the response and form your own URLs for for example the ``removal`` URL. / - When you throw a ``POST`` request at this endpoint it requires the following parameters as form encoded data: code The code to paste. lexer The lexer to use. Valid lexers depend on the configuration of the ``pinnwand`` instance but are generally those provided by ``pygments``. expiry The expiry for this paste. Valid expiries depend on the configuration of the ``pinnwand`` instance. The response of this endpoint is a redirect to the URL at which the newly created paste can be viewed. The removal ID is in the ``Set-Cookie`` header on this response, you'll have to format it into a URL ``/remove/{id}`` yourself. Here's an example using ``curl`` to send data to this endpoint:: € curl -v http://localhost:8000/ -d 'code=foo' -d 'lexer=c' -d 'expiry=1day' * Trying ::1... * TCP_NODELAY set * Connected to localhost (::1) port 8000 (#0) > POST / HTTP/1.1 > Host: localhost:8000 > User-Agent: curl/7.58.0 > Accept: */* > Content-Length: 28 > Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded > * upload completely sent off: 28 out of 28 bytes < HTTP/1.1 302 Found < Server: TornadoServer/6.0.3 < Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 < Date: Sun, 01 Mar 2020 13:03:24 GMT < Location: /SA < Content-Length: 0 < Set-Cookie: removal=U35UORIU6SEEGRICOJFNIAGZBM; Path=/SA < * Connection #0 to host localhost left intact deprecated-api ============== ``pinnwand`` provided a json based API for the bpython_ project early on, this API does not support multi file pastes but is in common use. Of special note is that these endpoints do not serve json in their error responses so you should not blindly try to parse their results. /json/new --------- A ``POST`` to this endpoint requires the following formencoded fields to be present: lexer The lexer to use for this paste, you can retrieve a valid list of lexers on the ``/json/lexers`` endpoint. code The code to paste. expiry Expiry to use for this paste, you can retrieve a valid list of expiries on the ``/json/expiries`` endpoint. filename (optional) Filename to use for the pasted file. An example of posting to this endpoint to show its return values:: >>> requests.post("http://localhost:8000/json/new", data={"lexer": "python", "code": "spam", "expiry": "1day"}).json() {'paste_id': 'OI', 'removal_id': 'OQTL5MSDDKHSTHCBE7WXPRHY3Q', 'paste_url': 'http://localhost:8000/OI', 'raw_url': 'http://localhost:8000/raw/OI'} The returned valued are the raw ID of the paste and the raw removal ID in case you want to make your own URLs. There's also some full URLs provided to visit the paste directly, note that a removal_url is missing. /json/remove ------------ This endpoint can be ``POST``-ed to with a removal ID you've received previously and stored. It takes one parameter: removal_id A removal ID for a paste. This is how you'd use it:: >>> requests.post("http://localhost:8000/json/remove", data={"removal_id": "OQTL5MSDDKHSTHCBE7WXPRHY3Q"}).json() [{'paste_id': 'OI', 'status': 'removed'}] The return value is a bit weird here as it gives you a list. /json/show/([A-Z2-7]+)(?:#.+)? ------------------------------ Use this endpoint to retrieve a previously pasted paste with an ID you have:: >>> requests.get("http://localhost:8000/json/show/RQ").json() {'paste_id': 'RQ', 'raw': 'spam', 'fmt': '
', 'lexer': 'python', 'expiry': '2020-03-02T13:56:10.622397', 'filename': None} /json/lexers ------------ List valid lexers for this ``pinnwand`` instance:: >>> requests.get("http://localhost:8000/json/lexers").json() {"lexer": "Lexer Name", ...} /json/expiries -------------- List valid expiries for this ``pinnwand`` instance:: >>> requests.get("http://localhost:8000/json/expiries").json() {'1day': '1 day, 0:00:00', '1week': '7 days, 0:00:00'} .. _bpython: https://bpython-interpreter.org/