.. _tricks: Tricks ###### Some tricks to make talking to ``pinnwand`` easier. steck ***** ``steck`` is an in-development command line tool to talk to ``pinnwand`` instances. You can find it on its homepage_ or github_:: pip install steck bash alias ********** You can add the following bash alias to your ``.bashrc``:: function paste-to-pinnwand() { cat $1 | curl -X POST http://localhost:8000/curl -F 'raw=<-' } Make sure to adjust the URL to your favourite pinnwand instance. After this you can paste files with:: $ paste-to-pinnwand configuration.html Paste URL: http://localhost:8000/OA Raw URL: http://localhost:8000/raw/CY Removal URL: http://localhost:8000/remove/Z4SAXX5Y7QU2NQUT7KCQX4ZGQU .. _homepage: https://github.com/supakeen/steck .. _github: https://github.com/supakeen/steck